I'm on a 2012 Macbook Air and I run julia v0.3 nightly builds. Building 
Julia myself on this machine takes forever, so I just download the nightly 
build from http://status.julialang.org/download/osx10.7+ about once a week.

I then drag it into /Applications and rename it from its commit hash 
version to "Julia-0.3.0-prerelease" (and move/delete the prior build). With 
this line in my ~/.profile, the new binary is available in my path so I can 
just run "julia" in any terminal:
export PATH=/Applications/Julia-0.3.0-prerelease.app/Contents/Resources/

This is a pretty quick process that does not require crippling my laptop 
for 10+ minutes while it builds.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 8:32:38 AM UTC-4, Jon Norberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been using julia and ijulia for a while and everything worked fine. 
> over time I get more and more issues, trying to upgrade/reinstall etc and 
> now I can't get it to work at all anymore. As I intend to reinstall osx 
> anyway, I was wondering if you good people have any good setup for 
> python/ijulia/julia/juliastudio that is simple to maintain over time. I 
> want to use one version of julia so somehow let julia-studio use that 
> (annoying that they hardcode the julia path to julia-basic...)
> I was ambitious to try to keep a --HEAD version of julia but maybe I will 
> have to settle for a latest stable pre-release version to avoid trouble.
> But I also find that sometimes there are issues with the dependencies and 
> libraries, how do you keep those right?....
> So how do you people keep julia smoothly updating and working. Are you 
> using brew, anaconda, enthought, for the python part, are you using xcode 
> compiler or others, are you building julia yourself...
> I'd appreciate any help in setting this up for the longer run than I have 
> been able to keep it working so far.
> Many thanks

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