I follow an identical process to Cameron, with the same results.

- Adrian.

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Cameron McBride

> I am not sure if this appeals to you, but I'm happy to share my
> configuration.  I just use the REPL and a decent editor (vim), which I'm
> happy with.
> I've been using this setup for the past couple months (mid-March). I've
> only had occasionally issues, but I follow HEAD so that is expected.  I am
> now on 10.9, but this has been short enough that only a few deps have been
> updated via system homebrew.  Things could break there, but never have.
> The situation I finally created was:
>  - homebrew and then pip to install python / scipy / ipython (see iJulia
> docs)
>  - git repo of Julia github/master
>  - Pkg.add(...), Pkg.update(), etc.
> Ideally, I'm not sure I really need the julia homebrew which this uses by
> default.  But it works, so I haven't worried about resolving this.
> 1. I pull and re-compile master every few days.  I usually scan the dev /
> users list before that to look for any ongoing gotchas, or new github
> issues.
> 2. When I compile Julia, and I do a few tests (basic crunching, Winston
> plots via Cairo, iJulia) then I use a local tag in my git repo to signify
> the working version.  It is just easier for me to roll things back, but
> certainly not strictly necessary.
> 3. I usually only  Pkg.update() after I've confirmed a new Julia compiles
> and seems to work from the above tests.
> Most of the issues I've had were between 2 & 3 not being in sync.  Some
> small changes where packages didn't catch up.  I've been impressed with how
> quickly many of the authors have fixed things, so it's rarely been an
> issue.  The one issue of Julia rollback I had to do was pretty easy (an
> issue that broke Grid.jl, I rolled back master for a couple days and
> watched the discussion / issue until it was resolved).
> I think this works as a lot of developers try and run real stuff with
> master, and most of the current packages are tracking master as the
> language develops.  YMMV, but I've been satisfied with the stability of
> this.
> Cameron
> p.s. I tried using anaconda to pin the python previously, which worked,
> but had some issues. I was happier when I did homebrew only python.

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