
And Jeff has mentioned it in his compiler list:


On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Kevin Squire <>

> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Arnaud Amiel <> wrote:
>> As suggested by a few of you, I put everything in a function and now it
>> runs in 1/4 s, that is nearly 32 x improvement for 'no change' that is one
>> of the aspects I don't like in julia.
> I've used Julia for a couple of years now, and am quite used to it, but I
> very much agree with this sentiment.  I recently introduced Julia to a
> colleague, and he ran into exactly this issue--that timing direct commands
> vs. the same commands in a function produce the same results with very
> different timings.
> Having used and contributed to Julia for a while, I have a reasonably good
> understanding of why this is the case and why it hasn't been fixed (and
> might not be for a while). But I've often found it challenging to convey
> this to others (especially those coming from languages where types are
> often hidden, like Matlab).
> While I know this is on the radar of the main developers, a search didn't
> yield an issue for better optimization of REPL inputs.  Is there one that I
> missed?  Should there be?
>  Cheers,
>    Kevin

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