On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 2:28:06 AM UTC-5, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Thanks. Is there a way I could determine if the backend is different?
> I just tested a simple plot in Python and Julia. The windows do look very 
> slightly different. It's minor, but on Python the buttons in the plot 
> window have a thin frame around them (so they look more like buttons) and 
> in Julia they do not. That could indicate a different backend. But it would 
> be nice to confirm.

You can run PyPlot.backend in PyPlot to get the current backend in Julia. 
 In Python you can do matplotlib.get_backend()

> julia> x = [1 2 3];
> julia> plot(x,x)
> This gives an empty plot because "x" has the wrong shape. I spent a while 
> debugging before I remembered. Would it be difficult to change the plot 
> function so that it transposes arrays when needed?

It would not be difficult, but this seems like something that should be 
changed in Matplotlib.

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