On 6 November 2014 16:45, Steven G. Johnson <stevenj....@gmail.com> wrote:

> The ideal thing would be to fix
>    https://github.com/stevengj/PyPlot.jl/issues/87
> so that you can use the same setting to change the default backend in both
> Python and Julia.

I just posted to the issue. I must be missing something but now
that PyDict(matplotlib["rcParams"])["backend"] works, the fix looks easy.

> (Should be possible to support the Tk backend too.)

That would be great.

> It wouldn't be the first time that PyPlot improves on the Matplotlib API.
>> One of the things I like about PyPlot is that I feel it gives me the simple
>> API that Matplotlib should have given me but didn't. Just my $0.02
> Fair enough; in general, I have found Matplotlib to be frustratingly
> inconsistent about treatment of row vs. column vectors, especially in the
> contour/pcolor/3d plots.  Could you file an issue?



When an engineer says that something can't be done, it's a code phrase that
means it's not fun to do.

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