there are no good web development language environments (server, browser) 
IMHO, and julia will not fit this bill, either.

I hope julia will wipe out my need for c++, perl/python, and R.

our school is planning to offer a data analytics masters program in a year 
or two.  this does not require "production-ready" in the sense that we are 
wiring our emergency hospital procedures into code and someone dies if it 
crashes, but it does require enough polish so that the students won't 
revolt.  I would love to abandon R, which is our current plan.

the most immediate problems for using julia in teaching (instead of R) are 
(a) the lack of local experts and (b) the lack of books.  perl won out 
around here because of two books: Learning Perl and the Perl Cookbook.  I 
can't emphasize enough how much these two books did for perl adoption.  R 
is tolerable only because it has such a terrific and deep support group 
(mailing list) on the internet.


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