I've tried all of the plotting packages.  Winston is a nice start but still 
a little rough around the edges.  I couldn't get a colorbar, for example, 
and the fonts aren't as well rendered as in Matplotlib.

ImageView is nice for peeking at things, but it doesn't produce plot 
annotations, AFAIK.  I use ImageView when developing.

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 10:36:17 PM UTC-6, Isaiah wrote:
> Tim Holy's ImageView package is another one to look at. Performance is 
> very good with the Gtk backend (streaming video works well).
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Johan Sigfrids <johan.s...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Have you tried Winston?
>> https://github.com/nolta/Winston.jl
>> On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 11:15:42 PM UTC+2, David Smith wrote:
>>> Thank you.  
>>> I feel like Julia has matured enough finally to start migrating all of 
>>> my MRI research over to it.  So far I have found no barriers whatsoever.  I 
>>> recommend it enthusiastically to all of my colleagues.  They are probably 
>>> getting tired of hearing about it.  ;-)
>>> My biggest wish-list item (as a medical imager) would be native Julia 
>>> plotting that is similar to Matplotlib.  I'd rather not have to require 
>>> that people have Python alongside Julia.  Makes Julia sound less mature.  I 
>>> tried Gadfly, but when most of what you plot is images, Gadfly makes less 
>>> sense.  (Maybe something is missing in the grammar that includes images as 
>>> something separate from rectbins.) I also got bit pretty hard by the pair 
>>> borking bug in Color.jl, which was very annoying.
>>> On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 1:42:16 PM UTC-6, Isaiah wrote:
>>>> This is exciting! Congratulations on the release.
>>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 1:50 PM, David Smith <david...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A few of us around here do medical imaging research, so I'm announcing 
>>>>> the release of DCEMRI.jl, a Julia module for processing dynamic contrast 
>>>>> enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.  
>>>>> http://github.com/davidssmith/DCEMRI.jl
>>>>> To install,
>>>>> julia> Pkg.add("DCEMRI")
>>>>> To run a quick demo,
>>>>> julia> using DCEMRI
>>>>> julia> demo()
>>>>> To rerun the validations,
>>>>> julia> validate()
>>>>> (Validation can take a while, because the phantoms use a ridiculously 
>>>>> large number of time points, and the Levenberg-Marquardt fitting scales 
>>>>> poorly with number of measurements.)
>>>>> When you run these functions, PyPlot will show the resulting images 
>>>>> after the run is complete, and pdfs of the images will be saved in the 
>>>>> module directory by default, or another place if you specify.
>>>>> The models included currently are the standard and extended 
>>>>> Tofts-Kety, and both have been validated against the test phantoms 
>>>>> provided 
>>>>> by the Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Association. The execution speed 
>>>>> is 
>>>>> the fastest of any code I've tried, by about an order of magnitude, on a 
>>>>> per-processor basis.  You can fit a typical slice of in vivo data in 
>>>>> about 
>>>>> 1-2 seconds on a decent machine. 
>>>>> Several modes of operation are supported, including file-based 
>>>>> processing and passing data as function arguments and parameters as 
>>>>> kwargs. 
>>>>> See the demo and the validation functions for examples of usage. Parallel 
>>>>> processing is supported, using either function parameters or by starting 
>>>>> julia with the '-p <n>' flag. I also have a command-line script and a 
>>>>> (simplistic) Matlab interface function.
>>>>> The code currently uses PyPlot for plotting, so you need Matplotlib 
>>>>> installed, and that is not handled automatically, but all of the Julia 
>>>>> dependencies are.
>>>>> A paper on the code is in press at PeerJ (https://peerj.com/preprints/
>>>>> 670/).
>>>>> Let me know what you think.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Dave

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