A few of us around here do medical imaging research, so I'm announcing the 
release of DCEMRI.jl, a Julia module for processing dynamic contrast 
enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.  


To install,

julia> Pkg.add("DCEMRI")

To run a quick demo,

julia> using DCEMRI

julia> demo()

To rerun the validations,

julia> validate()

(Validation can take a while, because the phantoms use a ridiculously large 
number of time points, and the Levenberg-Marquardt fitting scales poorly 
with number of measurements.)

When you run these functions, PyPlot will show the resulting images after 
the run is complete, and pdfs of the images will be saved in the module 
directory by default, or another place if you specify.

The models included currently are the standard and extended Tofts-Kety, and 
both have been validated against the test phantoms provided by the 
Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Association. The execution speed is the 
fastest of any code I've tried, by about an order of magnitude, on a 
per-processor basis.  You can fit a typical slice of in vivo data in about 
1-2 seconds on a decent machine. 

Several modes of operation are supported, including file-based processing 
and passing data as function arguments and parameters as kwargs. See the 
demo and the validation functions for examples of usage. Parallel 
processing is supported, using either function parameters or by starting 
julia with the '-p <n>' flag. I also have a command-line script and a 
(simplistic) Matlab interface function.

The code currently uses PyPlot for plotting, so you need Matplotlib 
installed, and that is not handled automatically, but all of the Julia 
dependencies are.

A paper on the code is in press at PeerJ (https://peerj.com/preprints/670/).

Let me know what you think.


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