Hi Tim

I have not checked all the functions I will need in future. I want edge 
detection filters and Hough transform, histogram equalization for now. 
I recently moved from Matlab to Julia and trying to convert some of my 
Matlab code to Julia. 


On Friday, September 18, 2015 at 1:50:10 PM UTC+2, badami wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> For quite some time I am trying to use opencv with julia. 
> Initially I tried installing Cxx.jl  + OpenCV.jl with  julia 4.0 
>  following the instructions given here: https://github.com/Keno/Cxx.jl
> I encountered compiling errors while building Cxx package in julia .
> https://github.com/Keno/Cxx.jl/issues/159 which still needs to be 
> resolved.
> I also tried LLVM-3.7.0 + julia-0.4 but and I am encountering different 
> set of compilation errors related to clang library. 
> Hence I gave up installing Cxx package.
> I then installed PyCall.jl  package to try and see if I can use OpenCV 
> Python api in Julia.
> The python api works in python REPL using import cv2 command.
> But when I try 
> *using PyCall + @pyimport cv2* I get following error:
> ERROR: BoundsError()
>  in anonymous at /home/badami/.julia/v0.3/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:312
>  in filter at array.jl:1230
>  in pywrap at /home/badami/.julia/v0.3/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:310
>  in pywrap at /home/badami/.julia/v0.3/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:298
> My question is : Is it possible to pyimport opencv python api in julia at 
> all?
> I am really looking forward for some help. Feeling desperate.
> My system specs:
> OS: Ubuntu 14.04
> Python: 2.7.6
> OpenCV: 3.0.0
> julia-0.3
> Thank you.

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