Hi Jorge,

thanks for your interest!  I think this would be a welcome addition to
ODE.jl and I would like to see how this somewhat non-standard method
fits within the framework of ODE.jl.  I think this could make a strong

A couple of things: I never participated in GSOC, so I don't know how to
proceed.  Whilst I did update the GSOC ODE.jl proposal, there may also
be other suitable mentors.  I guess that is something to be discussed.


@Ilya: Jorge is a PhD student of the authors of TaylorSeries.jl.

On Fri, 2016-02-26 at 09:21, perez...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Mauro,
> I would like to submit a proposal to work on the ODE.jl package,
> for the GSoC. From my undergraduate and master thesis I have
> experience with the Taylor method for solving ODEs (ie., based on Taylor
> series expansions). This is a variable order, variable step
> size method, which uses automatic differentiation
> techniques in order to reach high order integration methods (30th, 40th
> order)
> which enable machine-epsilon precision with very competitive speeds.
> I think the Taylor method is important to include in the ODE.jl package,
> as it is very versatile and precise.
> Besides the utility of the Taylor method for ODEs integration, a DAEs
> solver can
> also be implemented using the Taylor models framework.
> I would be very happy to contribute to the ODE.jl package!
> Best regards,
> On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 7:56:45 AM UTC-6, Mauro wrote:
>> It is desirable to have ode-solvers which are pure Julia.  Both to cut
>> down on dependencies and to allow easy hacking and development.
>> Further, Sundials.jl will not work with generic Julia datatypes (e.g. I
>> think Julia sparse matrices are not supported for Jacobians).  Thus,
>> ODE.jl is to stay and to be improved on.
>> The currently ongoing work of which I'm aware is:
>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/ODE.jl/pull/49
>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/ODE.jl/pull/72
>> Needed work is:
>> - more solvers
>> - a unified code structure/API
>> - parallelism(?)
>> I'll try and update the GSoC description.

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