
I'm trying to solve a large, sparse and unsymmetrical linear system Ax = b.
For this task I'm using Julias *SparseMatrixCSC *type for the definition of 
my matrices and Julias built in backslash ' \ ' operator for the solution 
of the system.
I need *quadruple precision* and thus I've been trying to implement my 
routine with the *BigFloat *type together with the SparseMatrixCSC type.

To illustrate this, I give a simple example here:
A  = speye(BigFloat, 2, 2);
b = ones(BigFloat, 2, 1);
x = A\b;

If I do this I either get a StackOverFlow error:
ERROR: StackOverflowError:
 in copy at array.jl:100
 in float at sparse/sparsematrix.jl:234
 in call at essentials.jl:57 (repeats 254 times)

or the solver seems to run forever and never terminates. As the second 
error indicates it seems like the sparse solver only accepts the normal 
*float* types.
My question is then, is there a way to get quadruple precision with the 
standard solvers in Julia, in this case UMFpack I assume ? or should I look 
for something else (in this case any suggestions :) ) ?

Regards Nicklas A.

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