Hey again.

Thank you all for the nice answers. I was in a bit of hurry and didn't have 
time to go into too much detail, so to clarify:
The system I'm trying to solve arises from the space dicretization of a 
*linear* partial differential algebraic equation.
To advance the solution in time I need to solve a system Ax=b at each time 
Large is a bit loosely formulated, since the system more or less only has 
size around 500x500 to 2000x2000, but it needs to be solved, lets say, at 
most 640 times.
I would prefer a direct solver since I need the results for an analysis of 
the time integration method and would like not to introduce too much error 
by the use of an iterative solver.
That said, speed is not my nr. 1 priority, but it would be nice. 

The reason I need quadruple precision is that it seems like some components 
introduce round off error and these errors propagate, such that I in the 
end get negative convergence of my method.

Regard Nicklas

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