Sunburned Surveyor

I read with attention the SCRIBUS templates you sent
about Openjump Help. I start to tranfer the Menu>View
function in a similar SCRIBUS document.
I have some consideration I would like to talk with

1)the Page orientation has a landscape (1,00x8,50
inch) size. This is good for Presentation (That's not
a bad Idea!). Nevertheless we lose a lot of space on
the lateral and on the bottom/upper sizes of the page
that we could use to detail the functions or to put
We could enlarge the margins of the page or we can use
a standard A4 Portrait page (but we lose the
Presentation size)

2) In  Title_page.sla document you place enphasis on
the explanation. This, I think,  could give some
confusion, expecially for Non-English readers, like
I always image for a help something like "less text
more image". A sort of  "topographic map" of OpenJUMP
for the users (see as samples the files I wrote in
I send you a modification of the Title_page.sla file,
as I image (sorry for my English)

3) There are so many functions in OpenJump that it is
not possible to describe each of them in sepatate
pages. We are obliged, anyhow,  to simplify the
description of the most common functions (like "Save
Project","Undo", "redo", etc..) and to put groups them
in one page in order to save space.  

3)My basical idea about a Help Document is a
sistematic list of functions, simple but detailed
enough to understand the usage.
All the extra, detailed explanations could be written
in other documents, like tutorials,
To give force to my Idea, I invite you to see this
This is the help and tutorial of a Gis editor
"Forestry GIS" which became popular for its simplicity
(as Openjump) but also for the simplicity of the help
file which is also a sort of tutorial



Giuseppe wrote: "Anyhow may name is Giuseppe and
not Guiseppe, which sounds in Italian like a "playmate
french name." 

Sunburned Surveyor answerd: "These European names are
really proving to be  difficult for an  American hill
billy. I appreciate your patience with  my cultural 
ignorance. :]"

London(?), I am very sorry if hit your sensibility. I
have never considered you an "American hill billy" but
an intelligent person who relly contribute to an
international project like Openjump ;]. 
Anyhow, if this can give support to the difference,
Buddha said that even an American Hillbilly could be a
Zen Master :)
So excuse me again and be patient with my bad, rude
And  use whatever version of my name you prefer. My
favourite one is:



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