Hi all, Michaël,

I've noticed that (for quite some time now) newly loaded feature
collections/layers are now considered modified by default. I've been
using that check in the WFS plugin to enable the update button only if
the layer is actually modified. I've added a workaround to set the layer
unmodified immediately after loading.

I've also found the place where layers are set to modified after loading
(in the Layer class, with a comment from Michaël, that's why I'm
addressing you directly ;-)). I'm not entirely sure why it is done like
this. Was your intention to have a 'do you really want to close OJ'
message when closing? If so, I'd like to propose to have a check when
closing, and show a different message if no layers have been modified,
asking just that, and only show the modified warning if something has
actually been modified. I find it confusing for the users to have a
warning like this, when he did actually not modify anything...

What do you think?

Best regards, Andreas
l a t / l o n  GmbH
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