Michaël Michaud wrote:


> > I've noticed that (for quite some time now) newly loaded feature
> > collections/layers are now considered modified by default. I've been
> > using that check in the WFS plugin to enable the update button only if
> > the layer is actually modified. I've added a workaround to set the layer
> > unmodified immediately after loading.
> >   
> Sorry for the inconvenience

that's no problem. I've shot myself in the foot like that often enough

> > I've also found the place where layers are set to modified after loading
> > (in the Layer class, with a comment from Michaël, that's why I'm
> > addressing you directly ;-)). I'm not entirely sure why it is done like
> > this. Was your intention to have a 'do you really want to close OJ'
> > message when closing? If so, I'd like to propose to have a check when
> > closing, and show a different message if no layers have been modified,
> > asking just that, and only show the modified warning if something has
> > actually been modified. I find it confusing for the users to have a
> > warning like this, when he did actually not modify anything...
> >   
> You probably are right, as it may be important to make the difference 
> between a newly created layer and a modified layer.
> I'll try to make my problem clearer as I'm not sure to get the solution yet.
> Some layers are issued from a persistent datasource, and others have 
> been created by the application (ex. a buffer layer).
> How to inform the user  who closes the application that some newly 
> created layers are unsaved to disk (some of my co-workers complained 
> they lost their work without any warning)
> Maybe I missed something simple with the Layer.getDataSourceQuery method.
> I'll try to explore this method (probably after my vacations).
> Feel free to get back to the previous state of Layer class if needed. 
> I'm quite confident another way can be found to solve my problem

ah, now I understand the problem. I think in the case of generated
layers it makes perfect sense to have them marked modified at creation
time. I suppose the best solution would then be to proceed as I
suggested (it's still nice to get a confirmation message when exiting
even though nothing is modified I think), and manually set generated
layers to be modified when creating them. I see two options here:

 * by default set new layers to be unmodified, set generated layers to
   be modified when creating them (this must then be done in all plugins
   that generate new layers)
 * by default set new layers to be modified, set layers that are loaded
   from file/database/WFS etc. to be unmodified (this must then be done
   in all plugins which do not generate features)

If we decide on one direction, I can make the changes to the code if
someone can provide me with a list of (core) plugins that need to be

I'm not sure about the other solution that seems slumbering in your mind
(you certainly know the code better than me). Also no need to rush (you
can enjoy your vacation first!).

What do people think?

Best regards, Andreas
l a t / l o n  GmbH
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