Hey Jonathan, Hey all@kde,

I am totally new to the KDE scene, but if you ask for my opinion:

I would really not recommend it.

If you begin with those "business game attitudes" on one day, you will most likely end up opening a Pandoras Box. In my opinion, the best is to keep out of those playing fields.

There has been "free riders" at any time. Fighting them is the first step to enter a fighting world.

Uli - (KONTENT GmbH - KDE Supporter)

On 2020-07-08 18:12, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
Recently we've noticed some KDE apps ending up on the Microsoft Store uploaded by unknown third parties.  Maybe to up some credit score for their developer account.  Maybe to install bitcoin  miners.  We don't know the motivations. Since it's all free software the licence allows it.

One option is to claim Trademark on all our app names. This isn't hard, we just add the ™ onto the name anywhere we have it on our website starting with kde.org/applications <http://kde.org/applications>. Some apps such as KOffice have done this in the past anyway. This doesn't cost anything, only a registered trademark (which uses the ®. logo) costs money. It might give us more ability to take down random people posting our software on app stores.  It might also make us look more corporate than we want to look and put off Linux distros from shipping our software.

Should we add ™ next to the app names?



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