On 2020-07-09 15:48, Christoph Cullmann wrote:

You might be able to do that, but as soon as you start to try to
from using the names, the cost-free, bureaucracy-free and layer free

zone ends.

But there it starts.
What are the conditions?
Is it ok to have e.g. "Kate" on some website of your distro and sell the distro? But it is bad to e.g. have "Kate" in the name of an application when you sell that?

Funnily enough, Nextcloud is dealing with a very similar thing.

They are trying to prevent "different kinds of usage of their Software", so they putted a Trademark on it.

So, in my opinion, the thing begins with a thread like this here, at it ends there:


If people upload our stuff and make money with it, be it so, that's their right granted by our license. One can check if they provide the sources after you buy it and request it,
but I won't start to invest work to do such stuff.

And I would not expect the e.V. to waste resources on such endeavors.

I totally agree.



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