On Friday, September 30, 2011 14:26:22 Rui Maciel wrote:
> After all, if not here then how would we tackle this issue?

that's a great question, and it has a very simple answer that is a bit more 
difficult to implement than it might at first seem, though it is completely 
possible to accomplish:

a) coordinate more people triaging bugs. start with yourself if you can by 
volunteering a little time each week / month as you can to triage the bugs 
others submit.

b) raise the accepted level of discourse from "confrontational is ok" to 
"constructive is a minimum expectation". this is a social issue, not a 
technical one, and it needs to come from a reasonable majority of those who 
are regularly involved (as reporters, triagers and software developers). the 
KDE Code of Conduct is a great place to start for measuring this, imho.

c) spend less time blaming each other and more time working on solutions. this 
thread is the kind of thing that personally drives me nuts as i see a lot of 
"you're doing this wrong" being aimed at people who are doing lots of things 
"right", starting with spending their time creating and otherwise supporting 
Free software.

in other words: more resources, better communication standards and less energy 
spent unnecessarilly aggravating each other.

as someone else already pointed out, KDE is a participation based creative 
community. the best way to fix things is to participate in a constructive 

Aaron J. Seigo
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks

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