Am Freitag, 30. September 2011, 16:22:28 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:
> c) spend less time blaming each other and more time working on solutions.
> this thread is the kind of thing that personally drives me nuts as i see a
> lot of "you're doing this wrong" being aimed at people who are doing lots
> of things "right", starting with spending their time creating and otherwise
> supporting Free software.

This thread exists because the issue was not solved in the past and this kind 
of thread will reappear every now and then within KDE until the issue is 

Wrongs have to be named otherwise there is no change – so everybody interested 
in improving KDE should be interested in naming problems, in a polite and 
constructive way. Just because some issue is named does not mean that other 
work is not appreciated.

It's true, unsolved problems drive people nuts – which is the topic of this 
thread and true for devs and users likewise. The dangerous thing about it is 
that users' and devs' frustration amplify each other.


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