Mandag den 17. oktober 2011 00:45:36 Thomas Lübking skrev:
> I have once (but still) run into the occasion of deleting a bunch of
> files on disk (upupupupenter can be /really/ dangerous ;-)
> I had no backups, but luckily still them open in a kate session from
> where i could restore them.
> The patch doesn't care about this case (file deleted) and would
> present me an empty page, does it?

No. It does not give you an empty page. File modification and file overwrite 
will trigger a reload. But ONLY if the document has been saved - no pending 
changes must bep resent.

> What about reloading automatically and hooking the change into the undo?

I'm unsure how to do that.

Søren Holm

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