Am 21.10.2011 15:40, schrieb Parker Coates:
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 09:01, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 21.10.2011 13:46, schrieb Søren holm:
>>> Why is it bad to have files not changed from within the editor reload when 
>>> they
>>> change?
>> because if i work half an hour in a css-file and another one makes a simple
>> change and press "save" it will destroy all my work - with the dialog
>> a make a loud cry "who the fuck is changing this currently" and we can
>> decide what changes was bigger
> Two people working on the same source file at the same time without a
> VCS in between seems like a pretty rare use case to me. Or at least I
> hope it is. :)

having a css file on a test-server mounted via sshfs/smbfs and normally
the tech-peopole like i making templates/css but after that changing a
color-hexcode from the boss himself i guess is not so uncommon

in this cases it is nice if both are notified that their open version was
changed on the server and crying over the desk"go away"

there are really existing workflows out there where peopole work together and
have no need searching technical solutions like VCS for soical problems, the
layouter can change color-codes himself and reload the page and finally both
can work on templates and if you are in the same romm a "go make your change
and after that i biuld the next bigger thing" does not need technical solutions

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