On 23.11.11 12:55:21, Zé wrote:
> 2011/11/23 Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com>:
> > Am Wed, 23 Nov 2011 04:27:33 +0000
> > schrieb Zé <mmode...@gmail.com>:
> >> This is the kind of thing you can test locally,
> > No, all KUniqueApplications
> > - including polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 - start up fine for me,
> > sorry.
> >
> >> and this isnt simply happening with me but with others
> > Please name one, ideally provide a link to such report.
> >
> >> that are using master
> > See Andreas mail - in case you really are, you have of course also
> > recompiled polkit-kde from extragear, have you?
> >
> >> i simply decided to investigate a litle further :)
> > apparently not, because this ...
> >
> >> By the way i runed with another client (non-kde lxpolkit) and worked
> >> fine.
> > ... has nothing to do with it at all.
> >
> > The assert is hit because *this* process attempts to access the process
> > arguments before KUniqueApplication::addCmdLineOptions() is called
> > (following the google would have told you) what to my experience
> > *usually* (there's of course broken usage) is a dbus communication
> > error.
> >
> > This is faaar before any polkit related code takes place (and latest
> > stable polkit-kde works fine for me)
> >
> > Since i remotely recall(ed) that your former mail (does plasma meanwhile
> > startup...?) included some dbus warning, I suspect/ed a related issue
> > here.
> Ok to clarify, i am using master and kdelibs from branch KDE/4.7
> (since as we know kdelibs from master is in freeze).
> Yesterday i did update qt from branch 4.8, and updated from maste and
> build all kde apps (including polkit-kde-agent-1).
> So for this i can conclud you are not using master or at least you are
> not using recent "snapshots".

That just demonstrates that the problem is not in kdelibs, since kdelibs
is the same for both of you (the code in question hasn't changed in the
4.7 branch) the problem has been introduced in either polkit-kde-agent-1
or something else you changed along the way. I suggest to report this to
the polkit-kde-agent developers via bugs.kde.org and let them figure out
what exactly broke.


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