Am Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:05:30 +0000 schrieb Zé <>: > Polkit doesnt fail, i installed lxpolkit and it worked like expected, > so the problem is with polkit-kde-agent-1 or kdelibs, that i cant > really say, but appears it pointed to kdelibs...
I've never said there would be a PolicyKit issue, on the contrary. So I apologize: Apparently you don't speak English. I'll try simple. As mentioned: ------------------------ lxpolkit is not related to the posted backtrace. Testing it provides no information. PolicyKit is not related to the posted backtrace. Testing it provides no information. The application crashes in a very early state. It does NOT crash here. (git-master of polkit-kde, compiled against 4.7.3, KDE/4.7 and master) Therfore it is likely a issue in your setup. Very often this type of crash is related to dbus errors. -> Check whether dbus can be accessed at all. (Just run "qdbus") polkit-kde has a special pitfall. If it is not installed where PoliyKit is installed, it is required to copy some files to the PolicyKit location. -> Did you do that? Thomas >> Visit to unsubscribe <<