Hi Vishesh, hi guys,

I'm sorry to short-circuit the thread. I deleted Vishesh's original email by 

Well, that sounds really exciting ! Thanks again for your work.

Here are a few thoughts/questions I have since you've made the announcement. 
They might be a bit technical, I hope that's not a problem (should I start a 
new thread ?).

* What are the plans to store tags ? On OSX, tags are stored in files xattrs 
which is -IMHO- very nice :
  - Metadata live and die with the file ;
  - No "store" query when you move or copy a file ;
  - You don't rely on a "store" to tag files ;
  - You also don't end with a huge store full of unuseful things like it used 
to happen with Nepomuk some time ago (no offense) ;
  - You can easily backup the metadata (at least files metadata) : you just 
have to use a decent backup tool that handles xattrs ;
  - It's CLI-friendly ;
  - ...

* What are the plans to store indexes ? Again, with OSX (sorry, I work a lot 
with Macs -maybe too much-), the system builds an index per volume. This is 
quite nice because when you connect a volume that has already been indexed, the 
system gets the information and can immediatly search the volume index. Let's 
take an example : let's say you have some remote storage (NAS or whatever) at 
home with your medias. You mount this remote volume and let the indexers do 
their stuff. Then you mount the volume from another device and *tadaaa*, you're 
able to query the previously-built index. Wouldn't that be awesome ? If you 
disconnect the volume, the index for this volume isn't available anymore and 
you don't get results for it. This also means that if one index gets corrupted, 
you don't have to scan and index every volume again. I think this would also 
solve Ignacio's issue.

* You probably already know it, but SQLite DB might have some problems when 
stored on remote filesystems (see: http://www.sqlite.org/wal.html and 
especially "All processes using a database must be on the same host computer; 
WAL does not work over a network filesystem."). So if you plan to store each 
index on its volume (as previously suggested), SQLite might not be the (best) 

* Will there be several separated indexers (one for PDF files, one for video 
files, ...) or just one that takes care of everything ? I was thinking about 
the ability to add indexers that could retrieve stuff from the Internet. For 
example, have an indexer that could retrieve movie information from 

* I hope there will be a nice query API ? Dealing with Sparql was a nightmare 
for me !

* Will it come with a QML DataEngine ?

Thanks a lot,


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