On Thursday, December 19, 2013 14:48:57 Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 Dec 2013 12:09:02 François K. wrote:
> > Hi Vishesh, hi guys,
> >
> > 
> >
> > I'm sorry to short-circuit the thread. I deleted Vishesh's original email
> > by mistake...
> >
> > 
> >
> > Well, that sounds really exciting ! Thanks again for your work.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Here are a few thoughts/questions I have since you've made the
> > announcement. They might be a bit technical, I hope that's not a problem
> > (should I start a new thread ?).
> >
> > 
> >
> > * What are the plans to store tags ? On OSX, tags are stored in files
> > xattrs which is -IMHO- very nice : - Metadata live and die with the file
> > ;>
> >   - No "store" query when you move or copy a file ;
> >   - You don't rely on a "store" to tag files ;
> >   - You also don't end with a huge store full of unuseful things like it
> >
> > used to happen with Nepomuk some time ago (no offense) ; - You can easily
> > backup the metadata (at least files metadata) : you just have to use a
> > decent backup tool that handles xattrs ; - It's CLI-friendly ;
> >
> >   - ...
> +1
> I'm leaning towards this as well.

To my knowledge, the list of filesystems with proper xattr support is rather 
short. This means, a fallback mechanism is needed, at which time one has to 
ask if the primary mechanism is really needed. Programs like "cp" don't seem 
to consider xattr by default, so the "CLI" friendly is limited to "if you 
remember to copy xattr" as well.

The advantages of xattr are quite limited due to this, it's definitely not a 
silver bullet.


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