On Friday 14 of February 2014 17:20:44 Michael Jansen wrote:
> Global Shortcuts
> ==========
> These can not go. They are relied upon for example by kmenuedit to set
> shortcuts for applications. This functionality could be incorporated into
> kglobalaccel and that was the last thing on my to do list before life made
> me leave real kde contributing behind. I mean here global key press ->
> Start an app. What to do with key press -> (make a dbus call/send keyboard
> input) has to be discussed.

> Window Trigger Action
> ==============
> This is more or less broken since kde4 afaik (never used it myself). This is
> the first candidate to go.
> In KDE3 khotkeys was much more capable but the same mess as today usability
> and gui wise.
> Mike

Does edge snapping depend on Window Trigger Action or it's done without this 
mechanism? Also I don't understand why does it belong to the khotkeys. Of 
course it's connected but I not that much.

On Friday 14 February 2014 13:46:55 Thomas Lübking wrote:
> An alternative might be a GUI for xbindkeys and a resp. wayland pendant (if
> such exists), but i guess kglobalaccel would have to be moved to such
> backend in general.

Hotkeys (here global shortcuts) are very important component of DE and I think 
they require some special care. If it is so difficult to find a maintainer 
it's a good idea to find some unified daemon and create a backend. Might be 
difficult to make it work with the rest of code but possibly worth it.

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