On 19/03/2014, at 4:29 PM, Thomas Lübking wrote:
>                                             YYYY            YY
> HHHHH         HHHHH                             YYY          YYYY
> HHHHH         HHHHH                  PP PPPPPP   YYY         YYY
> HHH         HHH                     PPP    PP   YYY       YYY
> HHH         HHH    AAAAA  PP PPPPPP  PP    PP    YYY     YYY

Thank you very much Thomas Lübking, Thomas (Baumgart) and
Marko for the birthday greetings.  The above came out looking
great once I had it copied and pasted into a fixed font … :-)

Cheers, Ian W.

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