On 18/04/2014, at 4:32 AM, Luigi Toscano wrote:

> Ian Wadham ha scritto:
>> Hello Thomas and Luigi,
>> Sorry it has been such a while since you wrote.  A lot of water has
>> flowed under the bridge since then, but this issue is still of the utmost
>> importance to MacPorts.  See:
>> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDETickets
>> On 21/03/2014, at 11:52 PM, Thomas Lübking wrote:
>>> On Freitag, 21. März 2014 08:24:06 CEST, Ian Wadham wrote:
>>>> That call to KGlobal::locale(); seems an odd one, KDE guys.  That function 
>>>> is supposed to
>>>> return a locale (KLocale *), but here it is executed as a procedure, 
>>>> ignoring the return
>>>> result.  I can only conclude that the code is being executed for its 
>>>> side-effects:
>>> It will likely be to call protected KLocale::initInstance(), eventually to 
>>> intantiate it from the main thread for sure.
>>> Not sure if it's required at all - look at the date of the commit!
>>> commit 693da1d1df4876d7c898f3035beead76288872d5
>>> Author: Stephan Kulow <......@kde.org>
>>> Date:   Fri Jul 6 15:19:46 2001 +0000
>>>  update to docbook-xsl 1.40
>>> [....]
>>> -    KGlobal::locale()->setMainCatalogue("kio_help");
>>> +    KLocale::setMainCatalogue("kio_help");
>>>   KInstance ins("meinproc");
>>> +    KGlobal::locale();
>>> [….]
>> I hesitate to touch even one line of code from Stephan, one of the all-time 
>> greats
>> of KDE, but I think that is what I am going to have to do.  I wrote to 
>> Albert Astals Cid,
>> to find out if meinproc4_simple could do the job of producing KDE Handbooks 
>> on
>> MacPorts and Apple OS X, but it can not: it does not include compression.
>> The best solution IMHO will be something like meinproc4_simple.  It would 
>> bypass
>> all the legacy code and just process command-lines of the form:
>>    meinproc4 [--check] [--cache] <HandbookPath>/index.cache.bz2 
>> <DocbookPath>/index.docbook
>> which is what CMake's kde4_create_handbook() macro boils down to in the end.
>> The alternatives would be to re-work the mainline code of meinproc4 OR to try
>> and investigate these intermittent crashes across the four versions of Apple 
>> OS X
>> and three Mac hardware architectures supported by MacPorts.  The crashes 
>> affect
>> some people's Apple machines but not others --- and not mine, for example.
> Thanks for looking into it, just to question here:
> - did you try to just disable that line? It's certainly less "breaking" than
> try to rewrite a tool where locale support have been rewritten in KF5. On the
> other side, if the call to that Mac system functions produces some issues, it
> could potentially affect even newer applications (I haven't checked how Qt5
> implements locale support).

No point.  meinproc4 *never* fails on my configuration, nor on Nicos' system
(he is the current maintainer of all KDE ports on MacPorts).

Also, I am by no means certain that the 'KGlobal::locale();' line is the only 
of failure.  It is just where it failed in the only case where we have a 

> - would it be possible to create such a map (combination of arch/SO where it
> crashes)?

That would require a lot of co-operation by a whole lot of MacPorts people
who are not at all happy about the meinproc4 crashes and the lack of response
to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=261509 over more than 3 years.
Two key MacPorts/KDE maintainers did quit over this and other problems.

Marko, Mario and I are just beginning to patch things up again on the
kde-mac list.

I was hoping, rather, to present the MacPorts developers with a "crash-proofed"
version of meinproc4 for them to test.

> It "just" need a machine where the crash can be reproduced with a debug build
> and the debugger.

"The impossible I do today: miracles take a little longer." … :-)

Cheers, Ian W.

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