El Dimecres, 9 d'abril de 2014, a les 22:11:49, mk-li...@email.de va escriure:
> Hi Albert,
> On 09 Apr 2014, at 22:01 , Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> > How is this a development question? Remember this is kde-devel, not a
> > support forum.
> it is not?

No, it is not, if we had to do user support in this list it would get crowded 
to a point of being unusable, support goes in bugs.kde.org for bugs, and other 
channels like forums, the k...@kde.org mailing list, some software specific 
lists, and a long list of places.

> > If you want to check if that is possible. Try it out yourself.
> I am not a KDE developer, just a port maintainer, and I thought I AM on the
> correct list to ask such questions.

So you are a packager, ok, the it's not user support and I guess it is kind on 
topic. If you had given all the information on the beginning it would have 
been better :)

Now onto your questions (note i have nothing to do with baloo)

You are asking if you can compile stuff without baloo. You don't need to be a 
"KDE developer" to try that. Have you tried?

1) not install baloo at all
Of course, you're free to not install baloo

2) configure KDE and all relevant apps in such a way that they don’t expect 
any services from baloo
What is "KDE"? 
If an application doesn't need baloo, it will obviosuly work.
If an application needs baloo it may either have feature degradation or may 
simply not compile. For those that do not compile and the program still makes 
sense without baloo I'm sure the authors will accept patches.

Simply replace baloo with libjpeg and the answers will be the same.


> If this is not the case I apologise herewith and try to find a KDE user list
> which already covers baloo. (But honestly, because baloo is a new tool, I
> thought this IS the only place where I could ask such a basic question...)
> Greets,
> Marko
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