Hi Albert,

On 09 Apr 2014, at 22:28 , Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> No, it is not, if we had to do user support in this list it would get crowded 
I got it.

> So you are a packager, ok, the it's not user support and I guess it is kind 
> on 
> topic. If you had given all the information on the beginning it would have 
> been better :)
It’s okay. I got PM from Mario clarifying things.

I am maintaining KMyMoney on MacPorts and because of it I of course also try to 
keep KDE afloat on OSX/MacPorts. I am NOT the main KDE maintainer there, but I 
know that many OSX users do not need another indexing service due to the 
existence of Spotlight (which is Apple’s baloo).
I personally mostly don’t need any indexer, except that I am forced by my email 
program Mail.app to enable Spotlight for detailed searching features in emails.

> You are asking if you can compile stuff without baloo. You don't need to be a 
> "KDE developer" to try that. Have you tried?
No, because I am not yet able to build anything else than the 4.12.4 (which my 
machine could successfully finish only just now) I cannot test the 4.13.

> 1) not install baloo at all
> Of course, you're free to not install baloo
OK, but with the problems Frank already described...

> 2) configure KDE and all relevant apps in such a way that they don’t expect 
> any services from baloo
> What is "KDE”? 
:) You are right, I meant kdelibs there. But thanks to Frank I already 
understood that kdelibs itself doesn’t need baloo after all.

> Simply replace baloo with libjpeg and the answers will be the same.
So, ok, as I wrote in my reply to Frank: I should preferably simply use 
Vishesh’s suggestion and modify baloo’s configuration file.


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