Ian Wadham ha scritto:
> Hello Thomas and Luigi,
> Sorry it has been such a while since you wrote.  A lot of water has
> flowed under the bridge since then, but this issue is still of the utmost
> importance to MacPorts.  See:
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDETickets
> On 21/03/2014, at 11:52 PM, Thomas Lübking wrote:
>> On Freitag, 21. März 2014 08:24:06 CEST, Ian Wadham wrote:
>>> That call to KGlobal::locale(); seems an odd one, KDE guys.  That function 
>>> is supposed to
>>> return a locale (KLocale *), but here it is executed as a procedure, 
>>> ignoring the return
>>> result.  I can only conclude that the code is being executed for its 
>>> side-effects:
>> It will likely be to call protected KLocale::initInstance(), eventually to 
>> intantiate it from the main thread for sure.
>> Not sure if it's required at all - look at the date of the commit!
>> commit 693da1d1df4876d7c898f3035beead76288872d5
>> Author: Stephan Kulow <......@kde.org>
>> Date:   Fri Jul 6 15:19:46 2001 +0000
>>   update to docbook-xsl 1.40
>> [....]
>> -    KGlobal::locale()->setMainCatalogue("kio_help");
>> +    KLocale::setMainCatalogue("kio_help");
>>    KInstance ins("meinproc");
>> +    KGlobal::locale();
>> [….]
> I hesitate to touch even one line of code from Stephan, one of the all-time 
> greats
> of KDE, but I think that is what I am going to have to do.  I wrote to Albert 
> Astals Cid,
> to find out if meinproc4_simple could do the job of producing KDE Handbooks on
> MacPorts and Apple OS X, but it can not: it does not include compression.
> The best solution IMHO will be something like meinproc4_simple.  It would 
> bypass
> all the legacy code and just process command-lines of the form:
>     meinproc4 [--check] [--cache] <HandbookPath>/index.cache.bz2 
> <DocbookPath>/index.docbook
> which is what CMake's kde4_create_handbook() macro boils down to in the end.
> The alternatives would be to re-work the mainline code of meinproc4 OR to try
> and investigate these intermittent crashes across the four versions of Apple 
> OS X
> and three Mac hardware architectures supported by MacPorts.  The crashes 
> affect
> some people's Apple machines but not others --- and not mine, for example.

Thanks for looking into it, just to question here:
- did you try to just disable that line? It's certainly less "breaking" than
try to rewrite a tool where locale support have been rewritten in KF5. On the
other side, if the call to that Mac system functions produces some issues, it
could potentially affect even newer applications (I haven't checked how Qt5
implements locale support).
- would it be possible to create such a map (combination of arch/SO where it

It "just" need a machine where the crash can be reproduced with a debug build
and the debugger.

> That way, all the CMake stuff can stay the same as it is now.  The 
> stripped-down
> meinproc4 would issue a warning message if it is given command-line syntax it
> cannot handle, but would NOT crash the whole build.
> I think the best way might be to start off the code with something like:
>     #ifndef Q_OS_MAC
>     #define MEINPROC4_FULL
>     #endif

Again, you just need to pass the language, if you disable that crashing line.
No need to "fork" the application just for MacOSX.


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