On Donnerstag, 17. April 2014 20:32:17 CEST, Luigi Toscano wrote:
Ian Wadham ha scritto:

Sorry it has been such a while since you wrote.  A lot of water has
flowed under the bridge since then, but this issue is still of the utmost
importance to MacPorts.  See:

https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDETickets ...

Thanks for looking into it, just to question here:
- did you try to just disable that line? It's certainly less "breaking" than
try to rewrite a tool where locale support have been rewritten in KF5.

If removing the KLocale() constructor avoids it, i'm fairly sure it will be the 
bogus CFStringGetLength call, so to me it would seem more reasonable to protect 


QString convert_CFString_to_QString(CFStringRef str) {
+    if (str == NULL) {
+        return QString();
+    }

eventually print a warning (while i've no idea what this condition implies, 
like eg. a broken setup. It could be a bug in CFStringRef or CFLocaleGetValue 
or either isn't re-entrant or whatever)

And no, forking the application seems the worst option (remeber Ian, you'd have 
to maintain that fork ;-)


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