On 19 Mar 2014, at 06:29 , Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There seems a known issue reg. multithreaded libxml2 [1], but since Marko was 
> the reporter, i simply ruled it out being the remaining one.

I doubt it was a libxml2 issue, since the corresponding poster wrote
<p>Hi on windows we had a similar crash.</p>
<div>The problem was in libxml2, when builded with multithread 
support.Disabling multithread fixed it.</div>

The crash I described back then happened with KMyMoney, but did occur for any 
other KDE software arbitrarily every now and then.

I think in order to reproduce the error I’d also need to build stuff highly 
parallel with all 8 cores and in an an endless loop, but I’d need to get 
familiar with parallel and stuff alike, I am afraid…

Well, let’s see what Ian can come up with once he’s done with partying his 
birthday. ;-)

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