bruns added a comment.

  In D17816#677449 <>, @kdudka wrote:
  > Even after applying the proposed patch, the code still looks problematic to 
me.  I would prefer to have it explained first.  When fgetxattr(..., 0) returns 
-1/ERANGE, what is the point of calling fgetxattr(..., 0) again?  It is still 
going to busy-loop indefinitely in this case, doesn't it?  How many times do we 
actually need to call fgetxattr() on a single file descriptor?  Twice?  Then 
unbounded loop is not the best construction to begin with.
  Ever heard of a TOCTOU race?
  Quoting from man 2 getxattr:
  > If size is specified as zero, these calls return the current size of the 
named extended attribute (and leave value unchanged).  This can be used to 
determine the size of the buffer that should be supplied in a subsequent call.  
 (But,  bear  in  mind  that  there is a possibility that the attribute value 
may change between the two calls, so that it is still necessary to check the 
return status from the second call.)


To: arrowd, dfaure, chinmoyr, bruns, #frameworks, tmarshall, usta, cochise
Cc: kdudka, usta, scheirle, tmarshall, arrowd, cfeck, bruns, phidrho, dhaumann, 
funkybomber, abika, pino, davidedmundson, ngraham, atha.kane, spoorun, 
nicolasfella, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh

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