davidre added a comment.

  In D25877#581355 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25877#581355>, @kossebau wrote:
  > D15645 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D15645> tried something similar from 
what I understood without looking at details, you might want to compare at 
least :) Sorry, no time myself to look at things currently beyond this comment.
  Thanks for the pointer! Looking at that diff what it tried to do was reading 
the currently active color scheme from kdeglobals. That approach has two 
problems imo. First it only is correct on Plasma, secondly it sets the wrong 
scheme when the global color scheme changes. To fix the second issue one could 
listen to the settings changed signal on DBus but that also only works on 
Plasma. Just using the `standardPalette()` is much simpler and more reliable.

  R265 KConfigWidgets

  systemthem (branched from master)


To: davidre, #frameworks, ngraham
Cc: kossebau, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns

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