On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Raphael Kubo da Costa
<rak...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> This is what I am uncomfortable with -- KDE installs kde.xml with
> extensions or things which are being discussed on freedesktop.org
> instances. If some of the definitions there do not seem valid, please
> investigate the reasoning behind those changes and contact KDE _before_
> committing patches locally; contacting upstream (ie. KDE) might result
> in an upstream commit that benefits everyone instead of only FreeBSD
> users or in an explanation of why those entries are there in the first
> place.
> That's why I'm still considering reverting the patch, as it looks like
> upstream has not been contacted so far.

There is no issue upstream. I checked commit logs: KDE wants .doc to
match plain/text too, and it's correct. Dima's commit is just a
"workaround" to a problem of ours.

> This is a separate issue that's orthogonal to the patch being discussed;
> I didn't fully understand your idea, but I trust that it's a good one
> :-)

This is not orthogonal. The problem is that kdelibs and
shared-mime-info have conflicting files in plist. Those files should
not be there, imho, because we shouldn't list in plist files in
share/mime/* other than those in share/mime/packages, and then have
update-mime-database create the other .xml files. I do just like that
in kdenlive:

$ grep 'mime[/-]' /usr/ports/multimedia/kdenlive/pkg-plist
@dirrmtry share/mime/packages
@exec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/update-mime-database %D/share/mime > /dev/null
|| /usr/bin/true
@unexec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/update-mime-database %D/share/mime >
/dev/null || /usr/bin/true

So, my "catch all" solution will fix exactly this problem. Anyway,
there's nothing keeping me from applying now by hand the fix to
kdelibs and shared-mime-info ports. I will have a patch submitted
tonight or tomorrow, and then revert Dima's commit.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avi...@freebsd.org>
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