--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, kajdas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Yes, I did that, I use standard vias, 0.01 drill. 0.025 pad, no >micro, no buried, no blind. > I just need to specify different pad size (or remove) on inner layer. >
I'd suggest making the via sizes an odd-ball number, say 0.026". That's close to the 0.025" you're already using and shouldn't cause any problems on the outer layers. It does, though, give you a unique Gerber aperture which will make it easy to strip them from the inner layer Gerbers. Note the aperture number in the table and search for the corresponding 'D##*' line in the file. You'd then just delete all of the lines from it down to the next 'D##*' line. Another option would be to use a Gerber editor to strip the vias from the inner layers. My personal preference is ViewMasterEZ. (about $50 from www.pentalogix.com) Regards, Bob