Thanks Andy

I had to make my own packages - but used the Kicad and the external Libs as the 
source for the schematic for the SO8 NE555 etc and other common packages I am 
using. Maybe I will try using devices from the default libs just to see if they 

I could not set the second point in making a polygon - and therefore could not 
close or create any polygons, and so I decided to try using the last stable 
version instead of the current SVN version and hopefully that will solve the 
connection and polygon problems.

Looking more at the refresh - one problem appears to be that the mouse icon 
leaves tracks - that looks so bad for such a highly developed program - I'm 
surprised that the developers have not figured out how to repair that - it just 
requires correctly erasing the mouse icon before moving it - there must be more 
to it because otherwise they would have solved that.


From: Andy Eskelson <>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 3:20:44 AM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Newbie to both PCDing and Kicad

Making a pin passive does not change the connection status. It will still
require a wire to it. If you really do not want to use a pin, then all
you need to do is place a no connect flag on it, (the blue X 9th icon
down on the right hand side)

Are you using KiCad libraries or stuff imported from other packages?
Sometimes that can cause problems. Try a few tests with KiCad only libs
and if that improves things, you may need to investigate the other libs
that you are using, esp. the layout grid.

If you have been making your own libs and mods, be VERY careful about
pin names and numbers, the module and libs must match or things will get
very confused.

My clearance setting is the default 0.006 so this seems to be pointing to
problems with your module pad sizes, or as you say things may not
work until you sort out the connection issue. 

Until you get the connections sorted out, PCBnew won't really work as it
needs a rats nest to work on. People do a lot more than produce home made
PCB's with KiCad, so I think you have only got a few teething problems to
sort out. (I only do home PCBs as well, and I have no problems.)

If you want to try one of my homebrew circuits give me a mail and I'll
send you a suitable project file to play with


On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:40:10 -0700 (PDT)
Ted Huntington <huntington_ted@> wrote:

> Thanks:
> I solved my library problems, but still can't connect the wires to the 
> devices. Making a big circular junction that covers the wire and pin doesn't 
> make the connection. I made the pins passive and it still is making a warning 
> "unconnected pin". 
> Another nice feature to put on the todo list is: "resize wires" - that is 
> nice if a person just needs to move a wire over to connect precisely with a 
> pin.
> In PCBNEW I'm getting "Track near pad" from the DRC, even with a clearance of 
> .001". I have to turn off the DRC to connect tracks. But then - I also have 
> no rat's nests connections because I can't get the pins to connect in 
> eeschema. But I think this is a completely workable program and I think I can 
> use this to do my own home etched PCBs.
> Ted
> ____________ _________ _________ __

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