something rather odd is going on with your install I think.

I've never seen mouse tracks as such, Plenty of messy lines that don't
get deleted and such like, but never mouse tracks.

Likewise the polygon issue. I take it that you mean when drawing the
board outline and such like?  One tip regarding that, use the space bar to
zero the rel. co-ords, then use the cursor keys as you get back to your
starting point. When the co-ords are back to zero hit retun and the
polygon should close.

You can use the same idea in the module editor as well.


On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:45:55 -0700 (PDT)
Ted Huntington <> wrote:

> Thanks Andy
> I had to make my own packages - but used the Kicad and the external Libs as 
> the source for the schematic for the SO8 NE555 etc and other common packages 
> I am using. Maybe I will try using devices from the default libs just to see 
> if they connect.
> I could not set the second point in making a polygon - and therefore could 
> not close or create any polygons, and so I decided to try using the last 
> stable version instead of the current SVN version and hopefully that will 
> solve the connection and polygon problems.
> Looking more at the refresh - one problem appears to be that the mouse icon 
> leaves tracks - that looks so bad for such a highly developed program - I'm 
> surprised that the developers have not figured out how to repair that - it 
> just requires correctly erasing the mouse icon before moving it - there must 
> be more to it because otherwise they would have solved that.
> Ted
> ________________________________
> From: Andy Eskelson <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 3:20:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Newbie to both PCDing and Kicad
> Making a pin passive does not change the connection status. It will still
> require a wire to it. If you really do not want to use a pin, then all
> you need to do is place a no connect flag on it, (the blue X 9th icon
> down on the right hand side)
> Are you using KiCad libraries or stuff imported from other packages?
> Sometimes that can cause problems. Try a few tests with KiCad only libs
> and if that improves things, you may need to investigate the other libs
> that you are using, esp. the layout grid.
> If you have been making your own libs and mods, be VERY careful about
> pin names and numbers, the module and libs must match or things will get
> very confused.
> My clearance setting is the default 0.006 so this seems to be pointing to
> problems with your module pad sizes, or as you say things may not
> work until you sort out the connection issue. 
> Until you get the connections sorted out, PCBnew won't really work as it
> needs a rats nest to work on. People do a lot more than produce home made
> PCB's with KiCad, so I think you have only got a few teething problems to
> sort out. (I only do home PCBs as well, and I have no problems.)
> If you want to try one of my homebrew circuits give me a mail and I'll
> send you a suitable project file to play with
> Andy
> On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:40:10 -0700 (PDT)
> Ted Huntington <huntington_ted@> wrote:
> > Thanks:
> > 
> > I solved my library problems, but still can't connect the wires to the 
> > devices. Making a big circular junction that covers the wire and pin 
> > doesn't make the connection. I made the pins passive and it still is making 
> > a warning "unconnected pin". 
> > Another nice feature to put on the todo list is: "resize wires" - that is 
> > nice if a person just needs to move a wire over to connect precisely with a 
> > pin.
> > In PCBNEW I'm getting "Track near pad" from the DRC, even with a clearance 
> > of .001". I have to turn off the DRC to connect tracks. But then - I also 
> > have no rat's nests connections because I can't get the pins to connect in 
> > eeschema. But I think this is a completely workable program and I think I 
> > can use this to do my own home etched PCBs.
> > Ted
> > 
> > 
> > 
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