--- Comment #73 from delaye <> ---
Tests :

Return  of items : ok

Renews : it's not ok. 
koha change the minutes but not the hour. 
Examples : 
1/ preference system with current date
2/ The due hour of the item is  12:05
3/ I renew the item at 11:15
4/ Koha apply the due hour 12:15 and not 13:15

Examples : 
1/ preference system with the old due date of the checkout
2/ The due hour of the item is  12:05
3/ I renew the item at 11:15
4/ Koha apply the due hour 12:15 and not 13:05

Other cas to resolve : 
1/ In the rules the unit is 1 hour
2/ the library close at 18:00 (Information not indicated in koha : problem ?) 
3/ I checkin a item with hourly loan
4/ At 17H05 I want renew the item so the due hour it's 18h 05 but the libray
close at 18H00 : in this cas what do koha ? nothing ! in this cas koha must
forbidden the renew
So the following point is important :

In the rules, if the column 'unit' was selected hours, the column 'hard due
date' should display a list of hours and not a list of date(calendar).

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