I don't have much in the way of ideas, but mattr is pretty much
mentoring me already... I just need the 'student' status. I'm hoping
that signing up for some random part-time course at BCIT will be
enough for that.

here's a brief list of things that have been bugging me, which someone
might turn into useful ideas:

-status message stuff is only half-fixed; auto-away does silly things
to the status message and bringing a single account online still takes
too much mouse-coordination.

-whatever happened to the chatwindow redesign that someone made
pictures of? it looked nice. somebody should implement it someday. oh,
and the chatwindow needs a way of getting at the metacontact menu.

-filetransfers are still unreliable, and feedback sucks - especially
when sending a file. you've no idea what state it's in until it starts

-emoticons aren't applied consistently (pet peeve, unlikely to be
fixed because people can't agree on the definition of fixed). also,
support for msn's custom emoticons has mysteriously disappeared.

-last time I looked, rich text buttons still behaved quite randomly,
turning on and off in weird unexpected ways.

-icq search only works on uin, not on name or anything else

-history plugin could use a lot of improvement (naturally I forgot to
write down *what* imporvements I was thinking of at the time)

This insane ranting was brought to you by evyl bananas, and the number 3.
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