
After talking with Mark Langford, I did some research
on yahoo groups. It seems like yahoo has a lot more to
offer as compared to our present mailing list. The
features of yahoo groups are:

1) Members can receive messages in single email or
digest format
2) Group moderator can strip out attachments to
eliminate virus attacks
3) Joining of the group may depend on moderator's
4) The first email from a member may also depend on
moderator's approval
5) You can have more than one moderators
6) Automatic archiving.
7) Archives may be open to public (just like we have
it now)
8) Allows members to hide their email addresses from
the group. However, if you hide your email address
then you are not allowed to take part in the polls and
you are not allowed to post messages via email
9) Allows moderators to individually block members

Other nice features available only if you have a yahoo
email account. These features can be controlled, as to
who edits them. (for example upload of files can be
done only by moderators etc..):
10) Live chat with other members of the group
11) Place to upload files
12) Place to upload photos
13) Place to store associated links (I have seen many
members ask the group about some website link they
14) Place to create a Database... this feature can be
used for many things
15) Place to hold polls
16) Place to create a calendar of events
17) There is some feature for promoting the group, but
I wonder if that costs something?

18) It is all free.

I know a lot of people are going to resist getting a
yahoo email account, but I have had one for a long
time and I am very happy to say they are the best in
spam protection and not to mention... the inbox is
100MB in size and it is free.

I have setup a group already and since Mark likes
control :o) I don't mind making him a moderator. To
check out the group go to

And.. no, I don't work for Yahoo neither do I own
stock in Yahoo... (hmm maybe I should?)

Ameet Savant
ameetsavant at yahoo dot com

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

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