I'm not willing to return to ANYTHING Yahoo provides and then
denies without notice

Larry A Capps
Naperville, IL


I have been (tried to be) a member of various Yahoo groups over recent

= ExperimentalAvionics
= GP-4
= Innodyn (Imagine a turbine KR)
= jabiruengines

I cannot remember two straight weeks without some hassle or other -
often more frustration then they are worth.  When they do work - the
moderating (on some) is really poor.

Other than still being a bit sad that our intrepid moderator booted
Glynnis into touch - I think the KR facility is extremely well managed.
It is without doubt the most useful and constructive site of its kind
and a significant contributor to the success of the airplane.

By direct comparison, the KRnet and its services /facilities has been
bullet proof for ages - the last hiccup was corrected before most of us
even knew the problem existed.

I am with Larry AC on this one.

Steve J

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