I too have been on Yahoo groups and found them to be a real pain in the
kiester. The pop up ads are endless and the resulting spam is not worth it.
Personally, I will not sign up to a Yahoo list. I vote to keep the list we
have. If you have a photo to post, send it to me and I will put it on my web
page for all to see.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ameet Savant" <ameetsav...@yahoo.com>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: KR> Yahoo groups feature list

> KRnetters,
> After talking with Mark Langford, I did some research
> on yahoo groups. It seems like yahoo has a lot more to
> offer as compared to our present mailing list. The
> features of yahoo groups are:
> 1) Members can receive messages in single email or
> digest format
> 2) Group moderator can strip out attachments to
> eliminate virus attacks
> 3) Joining of the group may depend on moderator's
> approval
> 4) The first email from a member may also depend on
> moderator's approval
> 5) You can have more than one moderators
> 6) Automatic archiving.
> 7) Archives may be open to public (just like we have
> it now)
> 8) Allows members to hide their email addresses from
> the group. However, if you hide your email address
> then you are not allowed to take part in the polls and
> you are not allowed to post messages via email
> 9) Allows moderators to individually block members
> Other nice features available only if you have a yahoo
> email account. These features can be controlled, as to
> who edits them. (for example upload of files can be
> done only by moderators etc..):
> 10) Live chat with other members of the group
> 11) Place to upload files
> 12) Place to upload photos
> 13) Place to store associated links (I have seen many
> members ask the group about some website link they
> lost)
> 14) Place to create a Database... this feature can be
> used for many things
> 15) Place to hold polls
> 16) Place to create a calendar of events
> 17) There is some feature for promoting the group, but
> I wonder if that costs something?
> 18) It is all free.
> I know a lot of people are going to resist getting a
> yahoo email account, but I have had one for a long
> time and I am very happy to say they are the best in
> spam protection and not to mention... the inbox is
> 100MB in size and it is free.
> I have setup a group already and since Mark likes
> control :o) I don't mind making him a moderator. To
> check out the group go to
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/krnet/
> And.. no, I don't work for Yahoo neither do I own
> stock in Yahoo... (hmm maybe I should?)
> Thanks
> Ameet Savant
> ameetsavant at yahoo dot com
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
> http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail
> _______________________________________
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to krnet-le...@mylist.net
> please see other KRnet info at http://www.krnet.org/info.html

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