Larry wrote:
> I'm satisfied and I hope everyone is comfortable with me reimbursing
myself $100 for expenses.....Most people assumed it will be the same time of
year but we also have those that want an earlier date.  How do we resolve
the issue?


Again, nice job on the gathering.  I support your reimbursement for milage,
etc.  Also, on the date for 2005, I think you should pick a few dates that
work for you and the airport and then take a vote.  However, the bottom line
is, as the host, you're the one doing most of the work, so it's your call in
the end.  If people want to attend, they work around it.  Concensus will be
very difficult to achieve with everyone's individual "social calendars"...

Thanks, again, for all of your hard work and commitment to the KR

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at

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