Can someone explain to me why it is that there is such a gap in the top end 
speed of KR's... ( HP aside )

There is a guy here in Longmont Co that has a KR... says he can do over 200 
in it... ( not for me ).. but he can, running an O200. He says his plane is 
about 500lbs

built to the plans with a VW conversion.. the reported speed is 180..   but 
yet other report a top end of only 120-140.

Mark .. have you/ had you opened it up to see what she could do?

I wouldnt think that wheel pants and wing gaps could add 12 mph.. man.. I 
think I'll order a dozen... get an extra 144 mph out of her... :)just need 
find a place to glass them to

So is the top end speed more of a function of weight/HP apposed to just HP 
everything else being equal?


by the way.. pulled a good piece off my mold tonight. I'll still have to 
sand the snot out of it... and fill it with something. 2 layers of mat 1 
layer of 3.2 oz cloth... and about 3/4 of a gallon of impact resin. I would 
guess it weighs about 10 lbs  or so..  This piece is strong enough to be 
free standing. I have reinforced it with some honeycomb looking material, it 
looks like a sponge before you lay it up.. man does suck up the resin.. but 
MAN is it stiff. I cut 2 in strips ... and placed them ontop of the mold 
after I had pulled the piece off.. layed them up.. and placed the piece back 
on mold to cure. Part Doux... this round goes on the plane :D

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