As if you haven't been told,  GOOD JOB and thanks.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "larry flesner" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 7:12 AM
Subject: KR> Gathering expenses

> Gathering Attendees,
> I will be posting the final Gathering income/expense sheet to the
> Gathering web page in the next few days.  Thanks to the generous
> donations and good attendance at the banquet, the finances
> are in great shape.  The Gathering funds balance will have grown
> from $1864 going into this years Gathering to right at $2900
> for next year.  Awesome !!!  I think we may have reached the
> point that we can consider eliminating the "begging for funds"
> at the banquet.
> Most people attending the Gathering assumed I live locally. The
> fact is I live about 50 miles south of Mt.Vernon.  That made it
> rather expensive for me personally to host the Gathering.
> Eight to ten trips to airport board meetings, EAA chapter meetings,
> meeting with hotel people, caterer, airport manager, etc. were
> 100 mile round trips each.  Throw in the motel bill, an ink
> cartridge and phone calls and you can see where this is headed.
> I'm satisfied and I hope everyone is comfortable with me reimbursing
> myself $100 for expenses ( primarily the mileage, ink cartridge, and phone
> calls).  I'll cover my own motel bill as everyone else did.
> We didn't set a date for next years Gathering.  Most people assumed
> it will be the same time of year but we also have those that want an
> earlier date.  How do we resolve the issue?  Take a vote on the
> Gathering web page?  I don't want 20 e-mails a day on the net
> saying I want this date or I want that date.  I'll work something out
> with Bob Lee, the web page creator, and let everyone know.
> Thanks again to everyone that helped make the Gathering a huge
> success.  It certainly isn't a one man show.  YEEEEEE HAAAAA
> Larry Flesner
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