Don wrote:

> Can anyone confirm their stall speeds at these gross weights or can any
> one tell me their clean fixed gear stall speeds at thier actual clean
> fixed gear gross weight at the time.

I don't know that anybody can really "confirm" their stall speeds.  It 
sounds easy enough, but somehow you have to correleate your airspeed to 
ground speed, and that requires a dead calm atmosphere at 5000' (which I'm 
not sure ever happens), or doing stalls in 4 directions while watching GPS 
ground speed (I can tell you THAT ain't no fun!).   I've spent a lot of time 
trying to get a grip on my actual airspeed down that low, and the best I can 
tell you is on my web page:  Stall speed: 58 mph with split flaps deployed, 
62 mph "clean", and that was at about 1000 pounds.  It should be noted that 
my wings are about 14" shorter on each end than the plans call for (no foam 
extensions), and my wing's lift is being compromised by the lack of gap 
seals, not to mention gritty primer overspray on the wings.  So even with my 
best efforts, that's probably no help to you...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at" 

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