Hello Noel and welcome to the party! I will have to let others answer
your first question as I started with a set of KR-2 plans, then upgraded
to the 2S and can't remember the numbers to either one. Your second
question is interesting. Laminating two pieces of steel and then loading
them in any way is asking a lot from your epoxy. You will have to spend
a lot of time prepping the surfaces and even then using the epoxies I am
familiar with I wouldn't trust it for anything structural. If you really
had to go this route I would suggest you get it welded. However, even
"properly" welded I don't believe you will get the same strength due to
the change in the base metal that occurs at the weld. Enjoy the build!
You will have other questions and the archives of this site is full of
excellent info so check it out whenever you need to.

Stephen Teate
Paradise, Texas

  I have 2 questions right off:
  Q1. What is the master file book?  I remember one member who purchased
his plan way back, like in the 80's, has a higher master file book#.
Did I get an outdated plan??
  Q2. If I epoxy 2 pieces of equal-length 4130 strips one exactly on top
of the other, is the strength doubled or bettered?  eg. 2 pieces of
0.125 in x 1.5 in x 7.5 in  of 4130 strips = 1 piece of  0.25 in x 1.5
in x 7.5 in  of 4130 strips?

  Thanks for your input.

  Noel Bong


Noel Bong

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