Willie van der Walt wrote:

> I am wondering I you can not flare enough, as the speed bleeds down to 
> touch
> the tailwheel 1st. You should not be bouncing then. I do it with my VP2 
> and
> the landings looks like perfect 3 pointers.

That's about what I do.  Sometimes the tailwheel hits first, but the locals 
call them 3 pointers anyway, probably to be charitable.  I'm going to add 
some 3" gear extensions shortly (vertical plates between gear leg bracket 
and axle), but it probably won't be in time for the Gathering, since I have 
a bunch of stuff like transponder installation to do first.  This will allow 
slightly slower landings (1.5 more degrees of incidence), 3 more inches of 
prop clearance, and even less visibility over the nose while taxiing, but 
that's overrated anyway.    :  )

I knocked out another trip to my father's farm yesterday, landing in grass 
that had seed heads about 24" tall.  You could see the path I cut through 
it!  That's the last time I show up unannounced!  A great landing though, 
and all around another great KR trip, doing about 145 mph TAS  while burning 
4 gph at 9500'.  The new engine is running very smoothly, and with 15 hours 
on it now, I think the rings have seated and it's ready to go to the 

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net

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